These debt consolidation articles and resources contain a wealth of usable and timely information to get you on the right track to living debt free.
Why We Spend - Do you buy things you want, whether or not you can afford them at the moment? Do you have trouble saving money? Do you buy things to cheer yourself up or reward yourself?...more
How to Conquer the Money Fog! - "I'm sick and tired of feeling like I am in a haze- it's like I'm in a money fog!" I have heard this phrase countless times...more
The Secret to Keeping your Budget on Track - B-u-d-g-e-t. The very word can cause us to tremble in our new boots! But a hard-working soul need not fear -- there's a simple way to win the battle of the budget...more
Christian Debt Management Advice Money also causes many temptations; sometimes when we are lacking money, but other times even when we have enough. more
Start Small and Your Wealth Will Get Bigger - We've all heard the phrase, "You have to start somewhere." Nothing could be truer of creating wealth and prosperity in your life. Sometimes the idea of becoming wealthy can seem so overwhelming that we don't know where to begin....more
The Frugal Shopper's Favorite Frugal Tips - The following are my favorite frugal tips that I use on a regular basis. I hope that they will help you as much as they have helped me and my family....more
Money saving: Use a Price Book - Price Books: You have probably heard about them, or read about them in budgeting articles. But what exactly is a Price Book?....more
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