A debt-free lifestyle makes it easier to save! While it can be hard to become debt free immediately, just lowering your interest rates on credit cards, or auto loans can help you start saving. Use the form below to see how to get started with your debt-free lifestyle.
At MyCDC.org, we offer the highest quality consolidation programs that are available online throughout the USA. Mycdc offers this online by providing you with a custom debt repayment plan that will help you to consolidate your unsecured debts, and also fit your budget, while helping you to reach your goal of Financial FREEDOM!
Consolidation Loans -- Our online credit card consolidation service will consolidate debt without the need of a loan. Your custom loan consolidation program will consolidate your debts by negotiating with creditors to get YOU a lower repayment amount without the RISK of any type of high interest debt consolidation loans!
Customer Service -- MyCDC.org is committed to using the highest level of Customer Service in the industry. Once enrolled in a credit card consolidation program, a trained, personal debt counselor will be assigned to your account. Your debt counselor will review your debts and financial situation and develop a custom solution based on YOUR personal credit debt situation and needs.
FREE Help Available -- A certified, professional counselor will contact you for an absolutely free, no cost consultation. Please use the form on the right to provide your contact information so the debt counselor can contact you to confirm your outstanding debts and to work out a consolidation plan that works best for you. If you then decide to join the program, they will contact the creditors to have your interest rate and monthly payments lowered so that that your payments will be affordable. Your satisfaction is always our number one priority ...more