Cindy Clemons had a total debt of $12,980.00 and she was three months behind on her bills, with the creditors calling non stop. She could no longer meet the minimum payments on her three creditors. The creditors wanted a minimum payment of $970.00. Her credit report was showing that she was 90-days late and her average interest rate with her three cards was 22%. At that pace it would take her 18 years to get out of debt.
Once she got started into a Consumer Debt Consolidation program her interest rates were reduced to 8.2%, her monthly payments went from $970 to $330 and she will be debt free in 47 months or 3.9 years. The creditors have stopped calling and agreed that after she made three consecutive payments in the program that they would re-age her account to show it never late on her credit report.
$640 monthly savings
$47,520.00 Interest savings
Case Study #1 |
Case Study #2 |
Case Study #3
Individual results may vary depending on your creditors. Actual client names have not been disclosed due to the Mycdc.org Consumer Debt Consolidation Privacy Policy