Robert Swanson needed help with eight (8) credit cards. He had a total debt of $69,703.00 and his average interest rate was 26%. At that pace would have taken him over 75years to be debt free. The creditors wanted a minimum payment of $1,589.00 per month and 1/10 of that would have been going to his principal balance.
After enrolling in a debt management program he now has an average interest rate of 10%, and a new monthly payment of $958.00. He will be debt free in 5.2 years.
$631 monthly savings
$216,497.00 Interest savings
Case Study #1 |
Case Study #2 |
Case Study #3
Individual results may vary depending on your creditors. Actual client names have not been disclosed due to the Mycdc.org Consumer Debt Consolidation Privacy Policy